The Step-by-Step Proven Roadmap to Create An Additional Source of Income With Stock Trading So you Can…
- Pay your bills
- Reduce your debt
- Spend more time with family
- Save for trips
- Supplement your income
Because YOU'VE BEEN INTERESTED in investing for a while but
you didn't know where to start...

Teri Ijeoma here. I’m a full-time trader, world traveler, and lover of mac-n-cheese.
I’ve helped more than 30,000 students learn how to trade in the stock market and fulfill their financial dreams.
It took learning new skills, practicing them, and working hard, but my dream to travel around the world came true thanks to trading.
Now I am a multimillionaire, traveling around the world and teaching others.
Listen, I know what it's like...
To be in a dead-end job.
Not have enough savings.
Not knowing where to start investing and make money to live your dream life.
If that's you...
Then keep reading, my friend, because what happens in the next few minutes could decide if you stay stuck another year in your daily grind or gain the knowledge that will make you recession-proof in any economy.
But my life wasn’t always this way.
Cue the dark clouds - there’s a storm brewin’
I used to be an elementary school assistant principal. I was also a youth pastor at my church.
While I loved the work I was doing at the church and school (teaching), to be honest I was…
Overworked, underpaid, and stressed beyond measure.
My self-esteem was shot. I gained weight and fell into depression.
When a close friend passed away, I decided that life was too short to not be able to enjoy it.
I decided to quit giving myself the short end of the stick.
And I never looked back.
Trading for income gave me:
- The chance to quit my 9-5 for good and travel as much as I want (while using my cell phone to make trades).
- The ability to say "YES!" to what I love (and a guilt-free "bless your heart" to what I don't).
- Freedom from debt! I paid off my student loans, $150,000 credit card debt, and soon paid off my mortgage.
And it’s not just me, check out what it did for Joan...

This knowledge makes us recession proof.
“This beauty came in the mail last week. I was so excited, you would have thought I received a check for millions of dollars… but I did, with this newly acquired skill I can earn millions. I’m in the financial services and I hear talk of our industry being recesssion proof; this knowledge is what truly make us recession proof. Thank you Teri Ijeoma, for your calling, commitment and dedication.”
- Joan, Trade and Travel student
Have you ever?
- Spent hours trying to teach yourself on youtube
- Paid for a teacher and not learned anything
- Heard about long term investing but felt clueless about short term gains
- Felt scared to make the first step
- Felt overwhelmed with all the strategies and wanted a more simple, easy to follow plan
- Lost a ton of money trading and felt helpless because you didn't have anyone to talk to

If you're ready for an exit strategy take the next step here.
Making $200 every.single.day is NOT a pie-in-the-sky goal.
By this point, you’ve realized you can trade for income and make money DAILY.
Whether you want to:
- Retire in peace without financial anxiety
- Pay your bills without taking on a side hustle
- Quit your 9-5 and do what you love
- Or just make more than your current income...
Imagine making an extra $200 per day just using your cell phone….
That equals:
$1,000 a week
$4,000 a month
$48,000 in a year

Without the guesswork, hours of research, and the chronic anxiety that seeps in when you invest in the stock market.
You can master the trading game when you implement the 7-step Trading Roadmap I share in the Trade & Travel Program, so you can:
Open a trading account and learn the basics of getting started
(if you’re a beginner with no prior trading experience)
Get strategic and plan your way to success, to minimize risk and don’t lose money (you’ll practice your skills on a Simulator, i.e. you’ll trade with fake money, build your confidence before you make the leap to live trading).
Create a comprehensive trading plan and an exit strategy that are aligned with your income goals (if you’re an advanced trader).
Make trading for income a reality without losing sleep,
money, and your mind!

These outcomes are totally within reach for you and your lifestyle goals (whether you’re starting from scratch or have been trading for a while).

It took me 12 years...lots of mistakes and hard-earned lessons to create proven strategies that eventually got me to $1,000 days.
And if you allow me, I can help you do that too...
I’m pleased to offer...

A comprehensive, self-paced learning program designed to help you supplement your dail, weekly, and monthly income with trading...
Even if you don’t have
Trading experience
Bucket loads of money
Can’t quit your day job (yet)

Let me show you how to go from a novice to a seasoned pro capable of making $1,000 in a day (plus more) & charting your own financial destiny

I have a very busy practice and I was looking for a way to spend more time with my family. Thanks Teri Ijeoma for making it more of a reality. This is a great way to end 2020 and I’m teaching my kids what I’m learning in VIP.
- Duwaine, Trade and Travel student
Class 1: Introduction to the Stock Market
Class 2: Risk Management For Traders
Class 3: Introduction To Technical Analysis (Revamped)
Class 4: The 7 Step IWT Trading Plan
Bonus: Trade Station: Quick Start Guide
Class 5: Shorting
Class 6: Gaps and Globex
Class 7: Intro To Options - Part 1
Class 8: Intro To Options - Part 2
VIP Bonus: Group Coaching Calls
VIP Bonus: Student Study Groups
VIP Bonus: VIP Facebook Group
Class 1: Introduction to the Stock Market
Class 2: Risk Management For Traders
Class 3: Introduction To Technical Analysis (Revamped)
Class 4: The 7 Step IWT Trading Plan
Bonus: Trade Station: Quick Start Guide
Class 5: Shorting
Class 6: Gaps and Globex
Class 7: Intro To Options - Part 1
Class 8: Intro To Options - Part 2
VIP Bonus: Group Coaching Calls
VIP Bonus: Student Study Groups
VIP Bonus: VIP Facebook Group
Class 1: Introduction to the Stock Market
Class 2: Risk Management For Traders
Class 3: Introduction To Technical Analysis (Revamped)
Class 4: The 7 Step IWT Trading Plan
Bonus: Trade Station: Quick Start Guide
Class 5: Shorting
Class 6: Gaps and Globex
Class 7: Intro To Options - Part 1
Class 8: Intro To Options - Part 2
VIP Bonus: Group Coaching Calls
VIP Bonus: Student Study Groups
VIP Bonus: VIP Facebook Group
Class 1: Introduction to the Stock Market
Class 2: Risk Management For Traders
Class 3: Introduction To Technical Analysis (Revamped)
Class 4: The 7 Step IWT Trading Plan
Bonus: Trade Station: Quick Start Guide
Class 5: Shorting
Class 6: Gaps and Globex
Class 7: Intro To Options - Part 1
Class 8: Intro To Options - Part 2
VIP Bonus: Group Coaching Calls
VIP Bonus: Student Study Groups
VIP Bonus: VIP Facebook Group
Class 1: Introduction to the Stock Market
Class 2: Risk Management For Traders
Class 3: Introduction To Technical Analysis (Revamped)
Class 4: The 7 Step IWT Trading Plan
Bonus: Trade Station: Quick Start Guide
Class 5: Shorting
Class 6: Gaps and Globex
Class 7: Intro To Options - Part 1
Class 8: Intro To Options - Part 2
VIP Bonus: Group Coaching Calls
VIP Bonus: Student Study Groups
VIP Bonus: VIP Facebook Group
Class 1: Introduction to the Stock Market
Class 2: Risk Management For Traders
Class 3: Introduction To Technical Analysis (Revamped)
Class 4: The 7 Step IWT Trading Plan
Bonus: Trade Station: Quick Start Guide
Class 5: Shorting
Class 6: Gaps and Globex
Class 7: Intro To Options - Part 1
Class 8: Intro To Options - Part 2
VIP Bonus: Group Coaching Calls
VIP Bonus: Student Study Groups
VIP Bonus: VIP Facebook Group

Say goodbye to guesswork, hours of researching,
and overwhelm and hello to joining the ranks of
1,000 students who’ve made it to the $1,000 in a day club.

This course helps people trade with less emotions,
more protection, and higher success rate
You’ll love that...

Trade and Travel is done for you, all in one place, and self directed on your own time

You'll practice in a simulator first to ease anxiety

We teach you how to actively invest with a easy, simple, trading plan

Teri has been trading for 10 years, is a minister, and wants the best for her students

You have a community of over 5,000 other students that can help and cheer you on

Did You Know...
You can actually make income from investing
You can make money as stocks go down
You can protect your risk from losing
You can increase your success reading charts
You can accelerate your earnings with options
You can actually make income from investing
You can make money as stocks go down
You can protect your risk from losing
You can increase your success reading charts
You can accelerate your earnings with options

You can start at any time and go at your own pace.


There are seven classes of curriculum. I encourage you to spend at least a week on each course and practice as you go.

If you need support we have over 100 hours of recorded group coaching calls, bi-weekly live Q&As and an awesome facebook community to answer all your questions.

I will show what I did that let me travel around the world,
live debt-free, and making 5- figure paydays.

Thank you so much, Teri Latrice Ijeoma! I’ve always been afraid of the stock market. I didn’t think I was “good at money” or skilled enough to learn about something so seemingly complicated. You’ve taught us an invaluable life-long skill set, you’ve given me knowledge and confidence. I hope this wealth grows and multiplies so that I can bless others with the gift of this financial abundance too!
- athena, Trade and Travel student
what Others Asked Before They Enrolled
Fabulously Astute Questions
Great question!
I started trading for ‘extra’ income 10 years ago, when I was still stuck in my teaching job. I figured if I could make $300 per day, it would be enough to pay my monthly bills.
Through lots of trial and error, taking several trading classes (that cost an arm and a leg😊), and a never-give-up attitude (thanks, Ma!) – I surpassed $300 per day and got to the coveted milestone of $1,000 per day.
I now trade full time and have for the last three years.
My number one advantage over other stock gurus (and the thing that sets me apart from them) is that I have a teaching background. This helps me break complex concepts into easy-peasy doables. My students (5,000 and counting) can vouch for this.
Investing terms and strategies can be confusing if you don’t have an experienced teacher who’s in the trenches helping you make actionable decisions.
I hear you. I’ve also been in a dead-end job that was stressful beyond measure and drove me to burnout.
It wasn’t until I experienced a personal tragedy that I decided I’d do whatever it took to turn my life around with whatever hours I had in a day.
That’s why I haven’t added any filler information to the program and done everything to spare you from impractical brain dumps that don’t serve you.
Meaning every hour you invest in learning the 4-week curriculum (Standard Track) and the 4-classes curriculum (VIP Track) – will have an exponential payoff.
My students can vouch for this because the programs in both tracks are self-paced, structured, and break the complex into learnable concepts.
In short, they’re doable.
I recommend you allow yourself 8 weeks to complete all modules (Tracks 1 and 2), practice in the Simulator (TradeStation), and get ready for live trading.
I recommend that you start with a minimum of $500 to open your trading account, practice in your online brokerage account with fake money (think Monopoly) until you build the confidence to start trading live.
This means studying the market, making investment decisions, and practice trading. Our students have made up to $1,000 and beyond in their practice accounts.
When you’re ready to go live a.k.a. use real money, it’s best to start with at least $2,000-$3,000.
At that level, the bank will also allow you to have more buying power in the form of a margin account.
Disclaimer: I’m not a broker, so I can’t advise you what stocks to invest in or tell you to open a margin account with your bank. I’m simply letting you know your options. Margin accounts come with risks, so proceed with caution.
You can always move the money that’s sitting in your 401k into a self-directed IRA account.
That’s how I got started. I moved the 401k money from my previous jobs into a self-directed IRA to begin trading.
I’ve designed this program for regular folks just like you. The ones who have no investing knowledge or experience.
It’s also for those who’ve been investing for a while but haven’t seen financial returns worth talking about.
This program gives you my 7-step roadmap to follow so you can confidently lead with proven strategies.
Say goodbye to guesswork, hours of researching, and overwhelm and hello to joining the ranks of 1,000 students who’ve made it to the $1,000/day club.
(As of January 2021, we welcomed 1,000 students who made it to the $1,000/day club)
Great question! And go you for trading.
I’d say yes, this is the right program for you if you want to trade for income and here’s why…
In week 3, you’ll learn how to read charts. This robust training goes beyond the buy low/sell high strategies most rookie traders pride themselves on.
Reading charts gives you the confidence to know exactly what price to enter a trade and exit.
No more asking a crystal ball if you should buy a stock or what direction it’s heading in the market.
Mastering this one skill, can help you make timely decisions whether to buy or sell your stocks.
Nope. I only teach you how to trade stocks and options for income.
It depends. There are so many variables at play.
There’s you (your trading skills and consistency), the market, and your risk tolerance.
Your first homework assignment will be to make five trades in the first two weeks.
This is to galvanize you into action and overcome your fear of playing in the stock market…
Which means you will start seeing results very quickly.
If you put in the time to learn the content, take action, stay consistent, you can expect to make money within 60 days.
Some students have made money within the first two weeks. Others take longer.
That’s the beauty of this program. You can go at your own pace. There’s no race for who makes the most or the fastest.
But you absolutely don’t have to wait to learn EVERYTHING in order to start making money.
Nothing like straight shooting accountability to help keep your eye on the prize 🙂
I encourage you to work with a friend or many friends.
However, each purchase is for a single user. Which means your friend(s) will have to buy the course separately and then you can join forces to work together.
You also have the option to start or join a study group after you enroll in the program.
Our bustling private Facebook Group of nearly 5,000 students has formed independent study groups you can join.
You are never alone!
Nope! I’m not an authorized financial broker, so I can’t offer financial advice or make stock recommendations. What I can offer you are the tools, my company watchlist, and my unique methodology to help you attain success on your own.
The proof is in the pudding because I’ve helped thousands of students achieve their financial goals with my program’s content. All you need is to show up, work hard, and have grit!
I recommend TradeStation.
This platform is built for traders, they have robust order types, and most importantly they’ve waived their commission fees and data fees of approximately $100/month for my students.
That’s $1,200 worth in savings for an entire year!
In addition to these benefits, you can open a TradeStation account with $500 that enables you to trade with a practice account (the Simulator).
If you’ve got a brokerage account that you use and love, you can still enroll in the program.
The gains you make from trading are taxed like your regular income.
You get immediate access to the curriculum and an invitation to join the private Facebook group, Trade & Travel.
For sure! You don’t have to upgrade to VIP in order to make money as a trader.
The 4-week curriculum offered is sufficient to get you started and make income.
In the Standard Track, you learn:
– When to buy and sell.
– How to trade and make money as the market goes up.
– When to buy and when to sell stocks.
– How to minimize risks and losses.
In short, you learn how to make money as the market trends upwards.
But what about when the market is going south?
That’s where the VIP Track comes in because…
You learn:
- How to make money when the market goes down (yup, you read that correctly). This track is geared towards transforming a novice into a professional trader (especially if you hope to join the ranks of a full-time trader).
Nope. There are no money-back guarantees. This is because I want to protect the integrity of my content by leaving no room for virtual dine and dash, reproduction, or simulation of this information.
I’ve dedicated a chunk of my time to cultivating and creating the video training, bonuses, and the step-by-step information on how to become an income trader. So again, if you don’t think this program is for you or you’re likely to change your mind, you won’t be able to request a refund later.
You betcha!
As long as you’ve paid in full or made all three payments (if you opted for the payment plan) – the content is available for unlimited access.

Let's do this.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to trade but thought it was too complex, you’re right; there are no overnight successes or magic wands!
Teri Ijeoma began her professional career working in education and non-profits. When she started trading stocks over a decade ago, she saw it as an opportunity to supplement her income so she could afford luxuries such as travel. She was so successful that in 2017 this side hustle turned into her full-time income, and she founded Trade and Travel.
With more than 10+ years invested in trading education, courses, workshops, having spent thousands of dollars, with a lot of trial and error, Teri developed expert strategies and proprietary intelligence that fast-tracks the learning journey and earning performance. These very same strategies enabled Teri to transition working in her own business while she traveled the world doing what she does best; trading, and sometimes in her pajamas.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Dallas Theological Seminary
Creator challenge
National Black MBA Association
Get on-board and start on
the journey to financial freedom!

I began investing with kitchen renovation money back in April. Thanks Teri. I was able to earn enough to withdraw the kitchen money and get the kitchen done before Thanksgiving.